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Lunar New Year:
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Nurturing the Foundations of Development: Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, and Social Growth
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Lunar New Year:
Fun Collections:
Fun stuff galore!
This icon marks products whose manufacturers employ ethical business practices & support socially or economically marginalized people.
This icon marks safe products that are responsibly manufactured with sustainability and environmental impact as a top consideration.
Something for everyone!
Look for these icons to help you select products to fit your needs:
Nurturing the Foundations of Development: Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, and Social Growth
A world of possibilities! Gift the joy of choice with a digital gift certificate!
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Hasta que Joaquín Rojas se mudó a mi barrio y se convirtió en mi enemigo número uno. Afortunadamente, papá sabía cómo librarse de los enemigos: con un Pastel para Enemigos. Pero su receta secreta decía que había que pasar ¡un día entero jugando con el enemigo!
En este divertido y tierno cuento, un niño descubre una receta efectiva para convertir al peor enemigo en un gran amigo. Lleno de encantadoras ilustraciones, Pastel para Enemigos ofrece una gustosa lección sobre las dificultades y las satisfacciones que encontramos cuando tratamos de hacer nuevos amigos.
Translation: Until Joaquín Rojas moved to my neighborhood and became my number one enemy. Fortunately, Dad knew how to get rid of enemies: with an Enemy Cake. But his secret recipe said that you had to spend a whole day playing with the enemy! In this funny and tender tale, a child discovers an effective recipe to turn the worst enemy into a great friend. Filled with charming illustrations, Cake for Enemies offers a delightful lesson in the difficulties and satisfactions we find when trying to make new friends.
Since its publication, this funny yet heartfelt book has become a go-to for discussing the challenges and rewards of making a friend and the importance of not judging others on first impressions. Now available in Spanish for the first time, it is the perfect recipe for turning a best enemy into a best friend, which is a sweet and timeless message that resonates in every language.
Hardcover: 40 pages
Language: Spanish
AGE: 5 to 8
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