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Smart Fun for All Ages!

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Empowering Minds through STEAM Education: Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics

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Nurturing the Foundations of Development: Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, and Social Growth

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Bigfoot Basecamp

Develops Cognitive Skills
Bigfoot Basecamp
Develops Emotional Skills
Bigfoot Basecamp
Develops Social Skills
Bigfoot Basecamp

The (mostly) serious science of the search for Bigfoot.

For The Serious Bigfoot Enthusiast Only! You could search for Bigfoot by just randomly walking around in the forest screaming "Bigfoot" at the top of your lungs or you could use science!

The Bigfoot Research Kit has included items that can significantly increase your likelihood of locating Bigfoot. A crucial recommendation can be found in the informational booklet provided, revealing the fact that Bigfoot is an introvert. Therefore, remaining calm and non-intrusive is key to encountering him successfully.

So, how do you approach Bigfoot? You have to buy this kit to find out! Comes in a 7" x 5" x 1-1/2" decorated cardboard box that contains stickers, a membership card, evidence flags, the previously mentioned informational booklet, a field journal, a magnifier, and scat bags.

This will make your inner 10-year-old, or an actual 10-year-old, very happy.

Fully Illustrated Heavy Duty Cardboard Box Measures 7" x 5" x 1-1/2"

AGE: 8 and up
