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Zotz Fizzing Candy - Assorted Flavors

The Original Fizzing Candy—Since 1970

Zotz is a candy with a fizzy, sour center. It looks and tastes like a regular hard candy, but when you bite into the center there is a sour fizzing taste because of the powder reacting with saliva.

Assorted flavors. Each sold separately. 

In 1970, Frank Landrey returned from Europe with some Italian candies he had received as a gift. He gave the box of candy to his children. Soon, all the neighborhood kids were pestering him for more of “that funny fizzy candy!” At the time, Frank was in the habit of saying, “Don’t give me the Zotz,” if he thought someone was pulling his leg. With two ZZs in FIZZ and two ZZs in ZOTZ, the name stuck, and the first order of ZOTZ candy was shipped in July 1970.

Now, close to fifty fizzing years later, ZOTZ is still going strong, and still made in the same small family factory in Italy.

And Frank? He’s still going strong too, with some ZOTZ always close at hand.

