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Something for everyone!

Smart Fun for All Ages!

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Empowering Minds through STEAM Education: Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics

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Nurturing the Foundations of Development: Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, and Social Growth

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Adulting Party Game

Develops Cognitive Skills
Adulting Party Game
STEAM - Arts & Humanities
Adulting Party Game

Get ready for a hilarious night in for fully groan-up adults

Finally, a game where you're rewarded when you do the dishes right away and show up to work on time!

First, pick a badge randomly and read it to yourself without showing the other players. Then, it's time to put those hustling skills you earned while working three jobs to cover rent, your cat's deluxe silk bed, and organic food subscription to use!

Do ANYTHING you can think of to EARN that badge while other players try to guess what achievement your badge is for. This isn't charades though—you can speak, make noise, and use nearby stuff like furniture, props, and even people!

The player who has earned the most badges and pins by the end of the game is the ultimate adult!

Perfect for millennials and any other adults who still don't know how to throw a proper dinner party.

Players: 3 to 5
Gameplay: 20 minutes

AGE: 17 and up
