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Black Cards (Portrait Edition)

Develops Cognitive Skills
Black Cards (Portrait Edition)
Develops Social Skills
Black Cards (Portrait Edition)
STEAM - Arts & Humanities
Black Cards (Portrait Edition)

Strength & Beauty

These cards celebrate the strength and resilience of Black people and help to normalize and celebrate our global culture for everyone.

Sharif Muhammad is a highly sought-after artist whose original oil canvases are in high demand among art buyers. His artwork features stylized portraits that capture the diversity of the Black experience in America. Mr. Muhammad's intention in creating these pieces was to give people of color visibility and a sense of worth.

This bespoke deck, featuring his artwork, was specifically designed for his children, as he wanted to normalize the representation of people who look like them. While his portraits of Black royals may look like ordinary people, they are adorned with crowns, and the deck even includes a joker in the form of a woman wearing a colorful coat and stylish sunglasses. Additionally, the ace of the deck is represented by a fist, symbolizing strength and resilience.

AGE:  8 and up
